June 29, 2024

Joho announces plan to retire from politics with Raila

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Joho announces plan to retire from politics with Raila

Former Governor Hassan Joho reveals he will retire from politics with ODM party leader, Raila Odinga

Former Governor Hassan Joho reveals he will retire from politics with ODM party leader, Raila Odinga.

Speaking during a trip to Nyanza over the weekend, Hassan Joho said that he could not see himself in a political ecosystem devoid of Raila Odinga.

He stated that it was the former prime minister who introduced him to politics and he was keen on retiring with him. 

The former governor remarked that the only way he could not retire with Raila was if the Azimio leader convinced him otherwise. 

“I am a founding member of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) and I want to tell you, in my political life unless Raila says otherwise, I entered politics with Raila and I will exit with Raila,” he stated. 

Joho who is the Deputy Party Leader of ODM remarked that this was informed by his subscription to Raila ideology. 

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Joho joined national politics in 2007 as a Kisauni Member of Parliament before being elected as governor in the 2013 and 2017 general elections. 

He remarked that former President Uhuru Kenyatta used Raila’s blueprint from when he was Roads minister to develop the nation’s infrastructure. 

Mr. Joho further added that some of the roads being constructed by President William Ruto’s administration were proposed by Raila in 2002. 

While Hassan Joho showed a willingness to retire from politics with Raila, he exuded optimism that ODM would form the next government in 2027. 

“Myself I believe I can become President of Kenya,” he spoke of self and the party’s ambition. 

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