July 3, 2024

Joho Embarrasses Ruto During a Political Rally in Kilifi

3 min read

Joho embarrasses Ruto as he plays two contradicting audio clips of the deputy president in Political Rally in Kilifi.

With only two months to the general elections, politicians are deploying every means to woo voters on their side.

The latest drama has been witnessed at the coast between Deputy President William Ruto and the Azimio camp.

The Kenya Kwanza alliance has been using land issues and the port controversy to woo coast voters.

However, Ruto’s strategy has unsettled Mombasa Governor, Hassan Ali Joho accusing the deputy president of speaking from both sides of the mouth.

Joho lodged a scathing at Ruto to an extent of playing an audio clip of him at an Azimio rally.

He accused DP Ruto of not having a stand and changing his opinion based on where he is campaigning.

Joho accused the DP of calling him illiterate when he questioned the relocation of port services from Mombasa to Naivasha; claiming he lacked academic qualifications.

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Joho Embarrasses Ruto

Joho played a first audio clip in which Ruto said Joho was a ruse for telling the coast people that the government had planned to move the port from the coastal city to Naivasha back in 2017.

“Your governor says the Jubilee government wants to move the port to Naivasha. How can a port be transferred to a place that does not have water? He is saying that because he has little education.”

Speaking in Kisauni Constituency, Mombasa County on Thursday, July 7, 2017, Ruto asked the crowd how possible it was to move a seaport to a place without water.

“They are cons and they are conning the people of Mombasa that the port wants to be moved to Naivasha. Is there a difference between people who never went to school and those who bought their certificates? We can’t move the port to Naivasha, that will not happen,” the DP stated then.

The governor then played a second audio recording from a campaign event on May 26, 2022, in which the DP promised the people of Mombasa that if he wins the elections, port operations would be returned to the coastal city.

DP committed to implementing a plan to relocate port operations from Naivasha and Nairobi to Mombasa within six months if elected President in the August 9 General Election.

“That railway will open Mombasa and we will return the port operations they moved to Naivasha so that it can benefit the people of Mombasa,” DP Ruto stated on Thursday, May 26, 2022, while campaigning in Mombasa.

Ruto, according to Joho, is not a trustworthy leader, and the people of Mombasa cannot trust him to care about their well-being because he continually shifts goalposts and refuses to accept responsibility for whatever he has done wrong.

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