June 26, 2024

Jowie Irungu’s father is dead

3 min read
Jowie Irungu's father is dead

Jowie Irungu's father is dead, months after his son was handed a death sentence over a murder case

Jowie Irungu’s father is dead, months after his son was handed a death sentence over a murder case.

The father of murder convict Joseph Irungu, alias Jowie, has passed away.

Jowie Irungu’s father died aged 64.

He passed on on Saturday, June 15, while receiving treatment. 

Irungu’s widow Annastacia Thaama confirmed to the press that her husband had been admitted at Nakuru Level 5 Hospital Annex while battling cancer.

Jowie’s lawyer Andrew Muge, as a result, revealed that the team was exploring possibilities of having his client attend his father’s burial.

Julius Irungu reportedly battled with cancer for many years encompassing most of the time his son was facing murder charges.

This informed why Jowie was flanked only by his mother on March 13, when Lady Justice Grace Nzioka delivered a death sentence to the former private security operative.

“Jowie’s dad during the whole prosecution period was battling cancer and in extreme pain at every court attendance doing his duty as any loving father would. It would only be just to allow Jowie to pay his last respects to him as he is laid to rest,” his lawyer stated.

In February 2024, the High Court ruled that convicted citizens had the right to attend burials of close family members. 

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“The right of a prisoner or detained person to a temporary leave of absence to attend the burial or funeral of a close relative is rooted in the principle of humane treatment and inherent dignity as a human being,” the High Court ruled then.

Delivering the ruling, Justice Lawrence Mugambi noted that the right was not absolute and convicts could be denied permission if there were compelling reasons made against the request.

Jowie Irungu will be required to prove that should the request be granted, the burial will not be attended by those hurt by the crime. 

On when the burial should take place, Muge stated, “I have been in talks with Jowies mum and sister. The intention is to bury Julius in Nakuru. Details will be availed.”

In March 2024, Jowie Irungu through his lawyer filed notice to appeal against his conviction and death sentence. 

In the notice, Jowie termed the death sentence as cruel and human arguing that it was a degrading form of punishment prohibited under Article 25 of the Constitution.

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