July 2, 2024

Julius Malema lauds Kenyan youth following Finance Bill protests

2 min read
Julius Malema lauds Kenyan youth following Finance Bill protests

South African opposition politician Julius Malema has commended Kenyan youth for standing up against the 'punitive' Finance Bill, 2024

South African opposition politician Julius Malema has commended Kenyan youth for standing up against the ‘punitive’ Finance Bill, 2024.

In a statement on Thursday, Malema urged Kenyan youth to continue making the continent proud.

He added that they have done an amazing job in their anti-Finance Bill protests.

“Keep making us proud, Kenyan youth. You’re doing an amazing job!” Malema said on X.

His remarks come a few days after his party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) made a call to stand with Kenyans to oppose the Finance Bill, 2024.

In a press statement on June 24, EFF said it stands firmly for economic freedom and the establishment of robust social welfare safety nets.

“We stand in solidarity with the people of Kenya who are bravely protesting against the exploitative legislation that seeks to impose severe tax,” it said.

EFF said the protests are a clear indication that Kenyans are rejecting policies that exacerbate their suffering and demanding a government that serves their well-being.

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The party further said it noted with concern, the violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators.

“The use of tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets against citizens exercising their right to protest is unacceptable,” it said.

EFF additionally urged the government to stand the police down and respect the people’s right to peacefully assemble.

They demanded that those arrested be released immediately.

The EFF alleged that the Finance Bill is a result of a recommendation from outside forces a situation facing many developing countries.

“The Bill, which aims to collect $2.7 billion in additional taxes, will undoubtedly raise the cost of living and production, further burdening the people of Kenya, who like us are already living under dire economic conditions,” it said.

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