July 3, 2024

Kalonzo explains how he bought the controversial Yatta farm from a widow

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Kalonzo explains how he bought the controversial Yatta farm from a widow

Kalonzo clears the air on how a widow sold him the disputed 2,000-acre Yatta farm, dismissing claims its grabbed land

Kalonzo clears the air on how a widow sold him the disputed 2,000-acre Yatta farm, dismissing claims its grabbed land.

On Friday, May 26, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka gave an explanation of the facts surrounding his purchase of the contentious Yatta Farm in Machakos County.

Kalonzo stated that the dispute around his 2,000-acre farm in Yatta was baseless since he bought the land from its rightful owners.

Speaking during a prayer gathering at the Yatta Farm, Kalozo stressed the importance of informing Kenyans on how he acquired the land and subsequent ownership transfers.

“The Yatta Farm is protected by God and not humans. Many people have said many things about this farm, and I need to give a historical perspective. 

“This portion of Yatta Farm that touches Thika Super Highway was bought by this family from a lady known as Janet Chirchir,” Kalonzo clarified.

After securing the northern part of the farm, Kalozo turned his attention to the southern portion, to which, he contacted the owner and struck an agreement.

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“Janet Chirchir was a widow from Kericho who had been allocated around 100 acres. On the opposite side, I bought it from a gentleman known as Major Lang’at from Nakuru.

“What the family did was to set up a wall that runs around it. We would, therefore, like to be very open about this,” Kalonzo explained.

On August 28, 2021, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) cleared Kalonzo over the Yatta Farm transaction after hours of grilling at the Kiambu Road headquarters. 

The Wiper Leader had presented himself after a section of politicians made public accusations that he had illegally acquired the piece of land. 

They claimed that Kalonzo had irregularly acquired land that belonged to National Youth Service (NYS), and he needed to be investigated.

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