July 3, 2024

Kenya comprehensively respond to hacking claims of government sytems by China

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Kenya comprehensively respond to hacking claims of government sytems by China

Kenya denies claims critical government agencies were hacked by China hackers seeking information on loans

Kenya denies hacking claims critical government agencies were hacked by China hackers seeking information on loans.

On May 25, the Ministry of Interior allayed any worries so crucial government institutions had been compromised by Chinese citizens looking for information about the ever-growing debt.

The Ministry stated that there was no substantial evidence to support a hack of Kenya’s institutions in a statement signed by Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo.

The government also expressed doubts about China’s ability to hack into systems purchased from the Asian nation, claiming that China was also prohibited from hiring a third party to access government data.

The Interior ministry, therefore, asked Kenyans to treat the reports as propaganda.

“The bulk of the critical networking infrastructure deployed by the Government of Kenya is sourced from the People’s Republic of China. 

“It is reasonable, therefore, to contemplate that if the country of origin desired to infiltrate the same systems it has helped install, it would unlikely engage third-party hackers,” read the statement in part.

The statement was in response to a Reuters media report that claimed hackers from China targeted key Government installations in relation to the ballooning debt.

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On the other hand, the PS acknowledge that hacking was a threat that every government all over the world faced.

In response, Omollo indicated that various security measures would continue to be undertaken to protect the technological systems of the government.

“Kenya is also enhancing its threat detection and mitigation systems and capacities. Through the National Computer and Cybercrimes Coordination Committee (NC4), the Government is also investing in a stronger and better coordinated cyber security regime,” read the statement in part.

Notably, the statement by the government came a day after the Embassy of China also addressed the news article by Reuters.

“China consistently and firmly opposes and combats cyber attacks and cyber theft in all forms. Tracing the source of cyber attacks is a complex technical issue. Moreover, it is a highly sensitive political issue to pin the label of cyber attack to a certain government without solid evidence,” China responded.

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