June 26, 2024

Kenyans can now apply for marriage certificates online

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Kenyans can now apply for marriage certificates online

Kenyans seeking marriage certificates can now apply for the document on the government's e-Citizen online portal, the Directorate of Immigration Services has announced

Kenyans seeking marriage certificates can now apply for the document on the government’s e-Citizen online portal, the Directorate of Immigration Services has announced.

Speaking in Nakuru on Friday, March 10, Immigration and Citizen Services PS Prof Julius Bitok noted that the Office of the Attorney General (AG) had simplified the process of legalizing marriages and moved the process to the e-Citizen platform.

Prof. Julius Bitok said that marriage certificates can be conveniently obtained after registering mutual consent on the phone or other electronic gadgets.

The applicants will, thereafter, be subjected to interviews before their union is ratified.

The PS further noted that marriage application was part of the 5,318 services moved to the digital platform easing service delivery by Kenya Kwanza Government.

“One of the examples of services that have gone digital is marriages. If you want to get married, you can now apply for a marriage certificate from the comfort of your phone where you apply online, go for interviews, and get your marriage certificate online,” stated Bitok.

The new development means that couples wishing to register their unions do not have to manually file paperwork with the Registrar of Marriages at the Office of the Attorney General. 

The Registrar of Marriages noted that the system had been pre-tested to ensure that there are no technical hiccups during the application process.

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Bitok further explained that the state was working to double the services available on the e-Citizen platform.

“More than 5,000 services are now available on e-Citizen as the government targets a tenfold rise in annual revenue from the digital platform,” he noted.

PS Bitok also noted that the services will soon be able to earn the government a lot of money in revenue collection.

“The other advantage is that this will increase the revenue by reducing leakages. With around 300 services, we are currently raising around Ksh80 million daily. Now with 5,000 services, we are now going to increase this by more than tenfold to around Ksh1 billion daily,” PS Bitok explained. 

The digitization of government services was in response to President William Ruto’s directive in which he ordered the directorate of e-Citizens to ensure more than 5,000 services were moved online to ease access to government services. 

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