March 25, 2025

Kenyans to cough up Sh4.4 billion in support of KDF troops deployed in DRC Congo

Kenyans to cough up Sh4.4 billion in support of KDF-Kenya Defence Forces troops deployed in DRC Congo.

The taxpayer will fork up Sh4.4 billion to fund Kenya Defense Forces personnel sent on a peacekeeping mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The troops’ deployment, along with those of other forces from the East African region, has already received approval from parliament.

The amount to be spent is Sh601.87 million more than the Sh3.8 billion in the Memorandum to the National Security Council on the subject, according to the report submitted by the Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committee.

Defense Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale, however, said during his appearance before the committee that the gap resulted from budget revisions made following a reconnaissance mission to the relevant area that called for a change in policy.

However, members noted that the budget was excessive for a nation that had recently adopted austerity measures because of a lack of budgetary room.

Only the first six months of the deployment’s planned duration are covered by the Sh4.5 billion budget request of the National Assembly.

However, the monetary impact, if the Kenyan troops remain for a full year, will be a staggering Sh7.2 billion.

“In case the troops stay on, the annual cost implication will be approximately Sh5.5 billion to Sh6 billion,” reads the report tabled by committee chairman Nelson Koech (Belgut).

The committee however approved the deployment of KDF to the East African Community Regional Force to the Democratic Republic of Congo (EACRF-DRC).

 Nyando MP Jared Okello, however, rejected the deployment terming it a waste and misuse of resources during a period when the country was ravaged by drought and an underperforming economy.

“When Kenya sent troops in Somalia we were told that they will stay there for a short period but to date, they are still there and nothing has been achieved. Why send more troops to DRC?” he asked.

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