July 4, 2024

Kilifi County burns sacks of Muguka despite Ruto directive

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Kilifi County burns sacks of Muguka despite Ruto directive

The county government of Kilifi starts enforcing its ban on the sale and distribution of Muguka despite President William Ruto's petition to lift their prohibition

The county government of Kilifi starts enforcing its ban on the sale and distribution of Muguka despite President William Ruto’s petition to lift their prohibition.

Kilifi County has burnt seven sacks of Muguka even as President William Ruto called on the three coastal counties to lift the ban.

Ruto on Tuesday, May 28, revealed that he had a phone conversation with the three governors over the matter.

According to the president, the county bosses told him they were ready to engage with the other stakeholders to resolve the matter.

However, despite the assurances, Kilifi County Governor, Gideo Mung’aro tweeted about his county inspectorate guards seizing and setting on fire seven sacks of Muguka.

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Mung’aro seemed to dissent from Ruto, arguing that it was the county’s responsibility to cushion its children and generation against substance abuse.

“Once again, our operation against Muguka has been a success. We have seized and burned four sacks in Mnarani, Mavueni, and Uwanja wa Maji, and three sacks in Shella and Kisumu streets in Malindi. It is our responsibility to protect our generation,” said Mung’aro on the X account.

Meanwhile, the High Court in Embu suspended the anti-Muguka ban in the three coast counties.

Justice Lucy Njuguna said the court was satisfied with the suit by the Embu County Assembly and the Kutheremeka Muguka Sacco Society Limited, who challenged the prohibition of the stimulant.

She suspended the ban until July 8, when the matter will be fully heard and determined in court.

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