July 4, 2024

Kivutha Kibwana quits elective politics after 30 years in public service, profile

3 min read

Kivutha Kibwana, the immediate former Governor of Makueni County quits elective politics after 30 years in public service.

After serving in public service for more than 30 years, the former governor of Makueni, Kivutha Kibwana, quit elective politics on Saturday, November 12.

In a statement, Kibwana thanked the residents of Makueni County for giving him the chance to serve them for five years as a member of parliament and then as their governor from 2013 to 2022.

He also thanked his close friends, past students, and coworkers for supporting him throughout his tenure.

However, Kibwana did not explicitly indicate why he was giving up electoral politics in his statement.

“Today I announced that I have quit elective politics after serving the people of Makueni Constituency (2002-07) and Makueni County (2013-22), and 30 years of public service. Thanks be to God, my former students, co-workers, and those I served,” he stated.

The news elicited mixed reactions from Kenyans online as some wished the former governor the best in his endeavors. 

“We wish you well on your retirement and thank you for your dedicated years of service to our great nation. On behalf of myself and many others who have crossed your path! Thank you for being a good example in your work and leadership,” Reuben Wambui tweeted.

“Remain of good cheer. Your footprints in the legal profession, public service, and politics will forever twinkle in the galaxy of our nation’s history. Now write your memoir, Prof. We await,” Javas Bigambo stated.

However, others chided Kibwana for not receiving any post from the current administration despite joining President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza political camp post the August 9 elections.

“And you’re still courting Kenya Kwanza? Join baba (Raila Odinga) to serve the world.”

“I think you are gravely disappointed with Ruto for ignoring you. You hurriedly shifted allegiance to the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) when you sensed things were going their way in the hope you’d be rewarded handsomely. Your quitting is a statement of dismay, we can read between the lines,” Pouvoir Lisakoli tweeted. 

Kibwana joined Kenya Kwanza on August 23, 2022, after president Ruto announced that he would serve in his legal team during the presidential election petition filed by the Azimio coalition.


From 1997 to 2002, throughout his professional career, Kibwana worked as a spokesperson for the National Convention Executive Council (NCEC).

From 1997 to 2002, throughout his professional career, Kibwana worked as a spokesperson for the National Convention Executive Council (NCEC).

He was also a senior lecturer, associate professor, and dean of the faculty of law at the University of Nairobi at the time.

He was chosen to serve as both the Environment and Natural Resources Minister and a Makueni MP in 2002.

He was appointed as the President’s Office’s Presidential Advisor for Constitutional, Parliamentary, and Youth Affairs in January 2008, and he held that position until September 2012. 

He was elected as the first Makueni governor in 2013 and held the position for two terms.

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