July 3, 2024

Lamu East MP chased from a meeting for supporting Finance Bill 2024 (VIDEO)

2 min read
Lamu East MP chased from a meeting for supporting Finance Bill 2024

Lamu East MP Ruweida Mohamed kicked out of the meeting for voting for the controversial Finance Bill 2024

Lamu East MP Ruweida Mohamed kicked out of the meeting for voting for the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

The Lamu East Member of Parliament Captain Ruweida Mohamed attracted backlash after she joined other parliamentarians to vote for the Finance Bill 2024.

The MP was attending the Coastal Community counties meeting on the Muguka debate at the Kenya School of Government in Mombasa.

She was forced to the meeting after her colleagues and the crowd started heckling her over her stand on the Finance Bill.

However, what surprised many was that as members of her constituency heckled and ululated at her, she clapped back and vowed to vote again for the bill.

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“When it returns on Thursday, I will still vote yes,” she said. She then walked away in anger as people in the background cheered and jeered her while watching her leave.

This comes after the Finance Bill 2024 sailed to the next stage after most lawmakers voted for it on Thursday.

A total of 204 members leaning to the government voted for the bill in its second reading, against 115 from the opposition who voted against it.

The bill will now be adopted back by the Finance and Planning Committee, which will consider the proposed amendments before it is taken to the floor of the House for the third reading, in which the final vote will be taken.

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