June 26, 2024

Looming health crisis as doctors issue nationwide strike notice

2 min read
Looming health crisis as doctors issue nationwide strike notice

Doctors union, Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) issue a seven-day nationwide strike notice

Doctors union, Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) issue a seven-day nationwide strike notice.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) has issued a nationwide strike notice.

In a statement Shared on Monday, March, 4, the medical practitioners have issued a 7-day nationwide strike notice.

In the notice, doctors insisted that they would not go back to work until the government honours their six demands.

Some of the irreducible minimums include promotion, medical cover, internship posting, postgraduate fee payment, study leaves and pension.

“We hereby issue a 7-day notice for a nationwide strike. Irreducible minimums include promotion, medical cover, internship posting, postgraduate fee payment, study leaves and pension,” the notice read in part.

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KMPDU Deputy Secretary General Dennis Miskellah noted that the decision to issue a strike notice followed a closed-door meeting with the national advisory committee.

He explained that the strike was scheduled for June but the blatant disregard by the government and the Ministry of Health has informed the latest decision.

Before the strike, KMPDU noted its members would hold peaceful protests in Nairobi and other parts of the country following the violence that was meted out on Secretary-General Davji Atellah.

According to KMPDU Davji will be out for six weeks and the other 25 interns are nursing injuries following the alleged attack by police.

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