July 2, 2024

Magistrate Monica Kivuti’s daughter recounts asking her mum not to attend court on fateful day

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Magistrate Monica Kivuti’s daughter recounts asking her mum not to attend court on fateful day

Deceased magistrate Monica Kivuti’s daughter has recounted her last moments with the mother hours before the tragic death

Deceased magistrate Monica Kivuti’s daughter has recounted her last moments with the mother hours before the tragic death.

Speaking during the mother’s burial ceremony on Saturday, June 22, the Chief Magistrate’s daughter recounted urging her mother against attending court sessions on the fateful day.

According to the daughter, on the morning of the tragic day, she pleaded with the mother not to go to work since it was her birthday but the magistrate declined to heed her call.

Kivuti resolved to attend to her job, promising to celebrate her birthday ceremony on the weekend.

“I told her not to go to work it’s her birthday, but she declined insisting we will celebrate on the weekend, she loved her work,” the agonized daughter narrated.

“Life has a way of turning things around. I’m gonna miss her laughter. These moments have been cut short.”

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Kivuti’s daughter further recounted calling her mother on the phone while Kivuti was at her job to wish her a happy birthday not knowing it would be her last laugh with the mother.

On June 15, Chief Makadara Chief Magistrate Monica Kivuti tragically passed away after succumbing to injuries she sustained from the gunshots.

She was shot on Thursday, June 13, during an open-court session following a ruling involving the police officer’s wife. 

Following the shooting incident, Kivuti was subsequently transferred to Nairobi Hospital for treatment, where she later passed away.

Similarly, the OCS who shot her also succumbed after he was shot by officers who quickly intervened in the matter.

In the court case, the officer’s wife had been accused in a case of obtaining money amounting to Ksh2.9 million by false pretence.

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