July 3, 2024

Miguna Miguna reveals whom he’ll vote for in 2027 elections

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Miguna Miguna reveals whom he'll vote for in 2027 elections

Lawyer Miguna Miguna vows to vote for President William again in 2027 general elections, hitting back at Kenyans questioning his choice

Lawyer Miguna Miguna vows to vote for President William again in 2027 general elections, hitting back at Kenyans questioning his choice.

Miguna Miguna has cautioned Kenyans against questioning his choice of voting for President William Ruto instead of the opposition leader, Raila Odinga, whom he swore in as people’s president after the 2017 elections. 

Raila, he claimed, stood by former president Uhuru Kenyatta during his kidnapping, illegal confinement, and torture until he was forced to flee the Kenya. 

“Some Kenyans keep harassing me for having voted for William Ruto. Did they expect me to vote for Raila Odinga, who conspired with Uhuru Kenyatta to abduct me from my home, destroy my home, illegally detain, torture, sedate, and force me out of my motherland? I don’t regret it. I’d do it again,” he stated. He added: “Why would I have voted for the person who supported these violations and urged Uhuru to block me from returning to Kenya?” 

Miguna Miguna, however, noted that he would continue condemning the purported atrocities committed by Ruto’s government. 

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“No. I will never support Raila. That doesn’t mean I will turn a blind eye to any violations committed by William Ruto, and I haven’t,” he said. 

 Miguna’s political woes began after he swore in Raila as the people’s president at Uhuru Park in January 2018. 

He was deported twice in 2018 by the Jubilee government after being held incommunicado for several days. 

He returned to the country in 2022, weeks after Ruto took power. 

The combative lawyer alleged that the head of state apologised to him for the torture the previous regime subjected him to and promised to withdraw all the cases levelled against him. 

However, a year after his return, Miguna stated that Ruto was yet to fulfil the promise. 

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