June 29, 2024

Miguna trashes Justice Grace Nzioka’s death verdict on Jowie Irungu

2 min read
Miguna trashes Justice Grace Nzioka's death verdict on Jowie Irungu

Miguna Miguna says no human being including a judge has the power to order death of anyone after Jowie Irungu's sentencing

Miguna Miguna says no human being including a judge has the power to order death of anyone after Jowie Irungu’s sentencing.

Lawyer Miguna Miguna has weighed in on the death sentence against Joseph Irungu alias Jowie after being found guilty of the death of businesswoman Monica Kimani.

In an update via X on Wednesday, March 13, Miguna said the death sentence violates the constitution.

The vocal lawyer also argued that no human being including a judge has the power to order the killing of anyone.

“I oppose the death penalty. A human being, including a judge, shouldn’t have the power to order the killing of anyone. It also violates the Constitution, which banned the death penalty,” Miguna stated.

Justice Grace Nzioka ordered the death sentence against Jowie noting that it is in line with the offense of murder under section 204 of the penal code of Kenya.

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“I have ordered that the first accused person before this court Joseph Kuria Irungu alias Jowie shall suffer death as provided for the offense of murder under section 204 of the penal code of Kenya and that sentence is set aside by a lawfully competent jurisdiction,” Justice Nzioka ordered.

Before the ruling Jowie pleaded for leniency and asked Justice Nzioka for a custodial sentence saying he was a first-time offender.

The High Court Judge pointed out that the murder of the late businesswoman was planned, and intended before being executed.

“The manner in which the offense was committed did not at any one point intend to give the deceased even a single minute to live. It is a tragic loss of life on extreme circumstances bordering on madness,” Justice Nzioka argued.

The probation officer in his report said Jowie lacks stable partner relationships, exhibits an antisocial personality, and is impartial and a thrill seeker who uses his anger to control others.

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