July 3, 2024

Mudavadi-Wetangula backlash after blaming Raila Odinga over their failed presidential bid

3 min read

Mudavadi-Wetangula backlash after attacking Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga over their failed presidential bid.

Musalia Mudavadi of the Amani National Congress (ANC) and Moses Wetangula of Ford Kenya have blamed former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for their lost presidential aspirations.

The two accused Raila Odinga of gaining politically from Luhya support without returning the favour.

In a strongly-worded statement dated Monday, June 20, signed by Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula, they claimed that Raila Odinga orchestrated the breakup of the NASA coalition to prevent them from ascending to power.

“You (Raila) schemed to kill NASA to stop a son of Mulembe from rising to the presidency. To you, as long as Mulembe leaders aren’t supporting you, they’re criminals ab initio; but are “weupe kama pamba” if they’re your lapdogs.

“Because the Mulembe Nation has charted a different political path in this year’s General Elections, your insults have become personal. When Mudavadi makes a passioned case against runaway economic hardships suffered by majority Kenyans, then he’s a howling dog to you,” read the statement in part.

They further alleged that Raila was behind the woes facing some of the western leaders.

They named Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja degree saga, removal of Moses Wetangula as senate minority, and Ababu Namwamba among others.

They added that the ODM boss decided to support President Uhuru Kenyatta’s choice of Polycarp Igathe because he did not want Westlands MP Timothy Wanyonyi to be Nairobi’s governor.

“It’s not lost on us that recently you staged a spectacle where you denied Hon Tim Wanyonyi a ticket to contest for Governor of Nairobi.

Your schemes then took you in a futile attempt to prevent Johnson Sakaja too from vying for the same seat. At this stage, we pose a rhetorical question; Are leaders from Mulembe community lesser Kenyans to be toyed any way you want?”

However, the two have faced backlash after the attacks for addressing personal grievances rather than community interests.

Mudavadi-Wetangula letter

Mudavadi-Wetangula backlash after attacks on Raila

@David Makali

What? How is this representative of ‘Mulembe Nation’ when the authors are addressing personal grievances and whining about undisclosed insults? Totally unnecessary and ill-advised.

@DAP-K Party

Paper tigers full of tears. Tafuta 70% ndio muongee.

@zero 37..

Speak for yourself, we don’t recognize that Maragoli village party, sell outs to Sugoi, speak for yourselves, our votes are for Baba na Mama


Speak for yourself. Who are you referring to ukisema ‘our votes’?


This is childish mUDAvadi can’t speak even for his clan in Mululu village, ANC should be on the ground looking for 70% to get 30% which won’t happen even if both MDVD and Weta are given 10 years on the ground, it’s another Lamentations over Hon Raila Odinga, Bure Kabisa!

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