July 1, 2024

Muguka shareholders issue fresh demands to the government after the ban

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Muguka shareholders issue fresh demands to the government after the ban

Muguka shareholders in the growing counties of Embu, Meru, and Kirinyaga call on the government to intervene following the decision by the coastal region to ban the crop

Muguka shareholders in the growing counties of Embu, Meru, and Kirinyaga call on the government to intervene following the decision by the coastal region to ban the crop.

Speaking on Thursday, the leaders led by Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire urged the Ministry of Interior to immediately and unconditionally release Muguka and Miraa traders arrested in different parts of the country.

They also called on the Ministry of Agriculture to expedite the full implementation of the Crops Act on Miraa regulations.

Mbarire accused coastal governors of imposing exploitative and illegal charges against Miraa/ Muguka traders which he noted amounted to economic sabotage.

Governor Cecily Mbarire, the leaders noted that Muguka should only be regulated and not banned.

Muguka stakeholders further demanded action taken against Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro and his Mombasa counterpart Abdulswamad Nassir.

The duo is accused of defying a court order that lifted the ban on Miraa and Muguka.

“Why do we have the governor of Mombasa still scot-free and not arrested after disobeying the court order issued by the High Court?” questioned one of the leaders.

According to the Mt Kenya leaders, Muguka has lessened demand for hard illegal drugs with most youths opting for safe drugs such as Muguka.

“We need to get answers whether the purported reasons by the Mombasa governor for the ban of Muguka trade are supported by any scientific or medical evidence,” noted Mbeere North Member of Parliament Geoffrey Ruku.

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The latest pronouncement comes days after Coast region governors turned down Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi’s call for a meeting to resolve the Muguka ban.

In a joint letter dated June 2, Mombasa, Kilifi, Kwale, Tana River, Lamu, and Taita Taveta governors declined Linturi’s request claiming the CS would not be a neutral arbitrator on the contentious issue.

“As the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development, you have publicly pronounced yourself on the Constitutional and legal positions taken by Mombasa, Kilifi, and Taita County Governors to ban Muguka,” read part of the letter.

“Recognizing Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani as a consuming region with interests in both socio-economic and health security, we respectfully conclude that you are constrained in being an impartial arbiter on this subject.”

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