July 4, 2024

‘My son was rushing to go to church’ Mother to driver caught assaulting traffic police

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'My son was rushing to go to church' Mother to driver caught assaulting traffic police

The mother of 19-year-old, Ian Njoroge who was caught assaulting a police officer broke silence on her son's action

The mother of 19-year-old, Ian Njoroge who was caught assaulting a police officer broke silence on her son’s action.

According to the mother who spoke to the Standard on Tuesday, June 4, her son was well-behaved and was rushing to go to church the day in question, Sunday, June 2.

She added that the son did not deny that he made an illegal U-turn and the traffic officer demanded Ksh10,000 as a bribe.

The woman revealed that her son couldn’t raise the cash demanded by the officer and only managed to get Ksh5,000 from his friends.

Furthermore, she dismissed allegations that her son had a sword in the car. She argued that it was her car and it did not have a weapon.

“If he had a sword why didn’t he stab the police officer? Where is the walkie-talkie they say he stole? I know my boy and he can’t steal anything,” she added.

She emphasised that it was her car which her son had taken without permission as most teenagers do. The mother added that she trusted her son who used to take her to work in the same car stating, “He is a good driver.”

The mother noted that while her son was still negotiating with the officer, a few matatu drivers who saw the incident requested the officer to give the student his car keys back but the officer refused.

At this point, the mother assumed that her son was agitated by the officer’s delay and became physical. She however emphasised that this was not her son’s usual behavior.

“He did not want to be late to take his sister to church,” she reiterated.

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After the altercation between the 19-year-old and the traffic officer on Sunday, the student fled after the crowd charged towards him. He was later arrested in Kayole, Nairobi.

His mother revealed that a flying squad was at her house roughing up the student and accusing him of being a murderer.

The authorities took him away the young man is facing three charges, resisting assault, causing grievous harm to an officer, and robbery with violence.

Conclusively, the mother has asked Kenyans to avoid spreading misinformation about her son who is a well-behaved boy. She added that Kenyans should wait for the official court ruling.

“Dear Kenyans why are you talking about something you don’t know about? Why did you say that he was in his girlfriend’s house, he was at home, am I his girlfriend,” she posed.

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