July 2, 2024

New plan to block Raila from clinching AUC seat

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New plan to block Raila from clinching AUC seat

Djibouti fronts its Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf to challenge Raila Odinga for the AUC (African Union Commission Chairperson) seat

Djibouti fronts its Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf to challenge Raila Odinga for the AUC (African Union Commission Chairperson) seat.

In a statement released by the Office of the President on April 9, Djibouti announced that it was fronting its Foreign Minister, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf to vie for the position.

Djibouti expressed the country’s faith in the candidate exuding confidence that he has what it takes to emerge victorious.

“The Republic of Djibouti officially announces the candidacy of its Minister of Foreign Affairs, M Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, for the post of President of the African Union Commission.”

“Djibouti expresses faith in the capacity of Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, a man of experience and a seasoned diplomat, “ read the communication in part.

Youssouf is now set to compete with Somalia’s candidate, Ex Foreign Affairs Minister, Fawzia Yusuf Adam and Kenya’s Raila Odinga.

The country further drummed up its candidate stating that he boasts a wealth of experience in diplomacy having served as his country’s foreign minister for two decades.

Youssouf has been praised for his conflict resolution skills and ensuring peace prevails during his tenure.

Further strengthening his credentials is the fact that he speaks three languages English, French, and Arabic.

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“With more than two decades of experience as Minister of Foreign Affairs of his country, a haven of peace which is distinguished by the constant search for conflict resolution through dialogue and negotiation,” read the announcement in part.

With the new candidate fronted, rivalry within East Africa for the AUC seat is set to intensify after AU’s Executive Council unanimously agreed to reserve the seat for the East African region.

Raila who is being backed by the Kenyan government has been moving across the continent looking for support from African Presidents.

His bid received a huge boost during President Willaim Ruto’s recent visit to West Africa where Ghanaian President Akuffo-Addo and Guinea Bissau’s Umaro Sissoco Embaló agreed to back Kenya’s candidate.

On Friday last week, Angola’s ambassador to Kenya Sianga Abilio also hinted that the country will support Kenya’s candidacy for the position.

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