July 3, 2024

NSSF advertises 3000 job opportunities; How to apply

2 min read
NSSF advertises 3000 job opportunities; How to apply

National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has advertised over 3000 job opportunities for qualified Kenyans to apply

National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has advertised over 3000 job opportunities for qualified Kenyans to apply.

The NSSF job opportunities are spread across various profession.

Among the advertised positions include regional managers (6 posts), assistant managers (19 posts), Branch managers (15 posts), Senior Principal Officer (28 posts), Principal Officer (78 posts), management trainee (46 posts), Ethics and Integrity officer (2 posts) and one post for administration officer.

Other vacancies available include security ( two posts) and records officer (two posts), fingerprints officer (15 posts), accountant (24), office administrator (27 posts), Senior Assistant Accounts Officer (32 posts), Senior Assistant Marketing/ member and customer experience officer (1 post), fingerprint assistant (1 post), Driver(22 posts and 15 office assistants.

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How to apply

Interested applicants are required to send a cover letter, Curriculum Vitae, and copies of certificates/testimonials by hand/courier in an envelope that is clearly marked indicating the position applied for OR drop the application to the Mail Office, Social Security House, Bishops Road, Block ‘A’, Western Wing, Ground Floor by Monday,11th December 2023 at 5.00 p.m.

All letters should be addressed to: The Managing Trustee/CEO, National Social Security Fund, P.O. Box 30599-00100, NAIROBI.

“Please note that only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted. 

Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. Candidates are advised that the Fund does not have any agents and will undertake this recruitment without charging any fees whatsoever,” NSSF warned.

Details about the vacancies can be accessed on https://nssf.or.ke/careers.

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