July 3, 2024

ODM youth leader de-whipped for refusing to lead protests

2 min read
ODM youth leader de-whipped for refusing to lead protests

ODM youth leader, Kevin Ouma de-whipped for refusing to lead protests called by Azimio in Homabay County

ODM youth leader, Kevin Ouma de-whipped for refusing to lead protests called by Azimio in Homabay County.

ODM leadership in Homa Bay has made changes in the county youth league leadership after Kevin Ouma allegedly refused to lead colleagues in the mass action.

The ODM youth leader has been accused of advising youths in the area not to heed Raila Odinga’s call for mass action.

Since mass action began, Raila supporters in Migori, Kisumu, and Siaya counties have engaged in demonstrations leaving out Homa Bay.

But last Friday, Ouma, Shem Odoyo, and Duncan Oduya are accused of having led a section of ODM youths and advised residents not to engage in the protests.

Homa Bay majority leader Richard Ogindo speaks when they replaced Kevin Ouma with Robert Ouko as a youth leader on March 19, 2023

They argued that demonstrations would paralyze businesses in the county and scare away investors.

The youths said the stalemate between Azimio –One Kenya coalition leaders and Kenya Kwanza can be solved through dialogue and not demonstrations.

Ouma said protests should be done in Nairobi and not in other counties.

“Raila supporters should go and protest in Nairobi. We don’t want any behaviour that can paralyze businesses in Homa Bay,” Ouma said.

The remarks have allegedly angered Homa Bay ODM leadership which decided to de-whip Ouma.

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On Sunday, a group of ODM officials led by Homa Bay county assembly majority leader Richard Ogindo and some youths held a meeting and resolved to replace Ouma with Robert Ouko.

In a statement read by Ogindo, the party youth league said Ouma was not acting in their interest.

“From today henceforth, Robert Ouko is the party youth leader,” Ogindo said.

Other officials were not affected but were reshuffled within the party. Justus Maguo was elected as the deputy leader of the youth league.

Ogindo said the new officials will start work immediately.

The party leader Raila Odinga has called for demonstrations over the high cost of living in the country.

Raila also wants the 2022 presidential election results made public by opening the IEBC server.

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