July 3, 2024

Omtatah proposes reducing the presidential term limit to 3 years

2 min read

Omtatah proposes reducing the presidential term limit to 3 years after Fafi MP Yakub’s statements on extending term limits.

Busia senator, Okiya Omtatah, vowed that the opposition was prepared to thwart any attempt to eliminate the presidential term limits.

In an interview with Citizen TV on Tuesday, November 8, Omtatah addressed Salah Yakub’s suggestion to give President William Ruto a 20-year term.

Omtatah suggested that in order for voters to be able to hold presidents accountable, the two five-year terms should be changed to two three-year terms.

“If we create a situation whereby the topmost office is going to be occupied for more than ten years, it will be detrimental.

“In fact, some of us think that we should reduce the term limit to two terms of three or four years so that if someone is making mistakes we can get rid of them much earlier and vote in someone else to do better,” Omtatah argued.

Omtatah condemned the idea of scrapping the presidential term limit and replacing it with an age cap of 75 years as a distraction orchestrated by the Kenya Kwanza administration. 

“It is a conscious attempt to distract the country from the goings on, the honourable member who made it has succeeded in diverting attention from issues that are burdening the Kenyan people,” Omtatah stated.

Yakub claimed that removing the presidential limit would ensure presidents who have a good development agenda stay in power. 

“We want to tell Kenyans that the limit on two terms should be relooked. We want it to be changed to an age limit where when one gets to 75 years then he or she cannot contest,” Yakub stated.

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