July 3, 2024

Parents raise alarm after two pupils die from a mysterious disease at school

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Parents raise alarm after two pupils die from a mysterious disease at school

Alarm after two pupils die from a mysterious disease at the same school in Kitui County

Alarm after two pupils die from a mysterious disease at the same school in Kitui County.

Parents at a Kitui County school in Mwingi North have requested an investigation after their daughter, 13, passed away after a mysterious disease.

The devasted family questioned the situation after the grade seven pupil died a week after a grade two pupil died at the same school, from symptoms ranging from nosebleeds, yellow eyes, vomiting, flu and severe headaches. 

As per Josphat Kimotho, the head teacher of the school, a number of students who complained of having severe migraines were permitted to visit a nearby clinic for medical assistance.

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“On Monday, five pupils came to ask for permission to go to the hospital, after reporting having experienced severe headaches. We allowed them to go to a nearby dispensary for treatment,” the headteacher stated. 

Kimotho further confirmed that the ailing students received treatment, and resumed their usual school schedule, after feeling better. 

“The doctors prescribed medication which the pupils took. They went home for a few days, and now they are back and well,” he added. 

The mourning family now wants the Ministry of Health in Kitui County to probe the death of their child, to ascertain the events surrounding the mysterious disease that has so far claimed the lives of two pupils. 

The deceased uncle further faulted the county for the death of their kin, citing the lack of functional health facilities in the area. 

“I plead with the Governor to consider posting doctors to our area, we struggle to get treatment for our child as the hospitals around don’t work,” David Musili noted. 

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