June 26, 2024

Parliament chases away Ruto PS over incompetence

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Parliament chases away Ruto PS over incompetence

Members of Parliament chase away PS in a heated grilling over incompetent responses

Members of Parliament chase away PS in a heated grilling over incompetent responses

Cooperatives Principal Secretary Patrick Kilemi faced the wrath of members of parliament after he was ordered to pack his paraphernalia and leave the parliament chambers.

The PS was given marching orders by the Committee on Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives, led by Vice Chairperson Marianne Kitany over incompetent and inadequate responses to queries posed by MPs. 

In a statement shared by the Parliament late on Tuesday, April 23, PS Kilemi had been invited before the House Team to address concerns raised by Runyenjes MP Eric Muchangi regarding the delayed payment to dairy and coffee farmers by various Cooperatives in Embu County.

However, Kilmei’s explanation failed to satisfy the MPs, who emphasized that the delay in payment issues transcends Embu County and affects farmers countrywide. 

Committee members however demanded a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the ministry’s strategies to prevent delays in payments to dairy and coffee farmers across the country.

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In response, PS Kilemi requested additional time to furnish the committee with detailed answers, a move that irked the lawmakers. 

“You were not adequately prepared for this session. We cannot proceed with this meeting,” stated Kitany while ordering him to leave.

The MPs directed him to inform his boss, Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui to appear personally appear before the committee to provide detailed insights into the issues raised.

Before he was ordered to leave the chambers, the PS had acknowledged the issue of payments of dairy farmers. He however indicated that the ministry was working towards finding a lasting solution.

Kilemi had also informed the committee that the ministry had made plans to remit farmers’ payments by the 5th of every month starting July 2024.

However, the MPs noted that the PS was not giving detailed explanations into the issues raised prompting them to kick him out.

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