June 26, 2024

Police meet ahead of ‘Occupy Parliament’ protests’

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Police meet ahead of 'Occupy Parliament' protests'

Multi-agency teams of police holding meetings to plan how they will handle a planned 'Occupy Parliament' protests' to oppose the Finance Bill, 2024

Multi-agency teams of police holding meetings to plan how they will handle a planned ‘Occupy Parliament’ protests’ to oppose the Finance Bill, 2024.

The protest dubbed Occupy Parliament is planned for Tuesday, June 18 when the Bill is expected to be tabled in the House.

The voting on the Bill is expected to be on Thursday, June 20.

After the organizers notified the authorities of the plans to hold the protest, top police commanders have been meeting separately to discuss the way forward.

The teams have been meeting at police headquarters and Nairobi Area police command separately.

A final meeting was planned on Monday to know the way forward amid plans to block some roads near Parliament.

There are fears the protesters may block the Members of Parliament from accessing the House, police said adding there will be deployment of anti-riot teams.

But one of the organisers Boniface Mwangi denied the claims saying their protest will be peaceful to pass a message to the legislators.

“We have marshals who will guide the group. Police should have called us to plan together on how we will conduct the business because this issue will also affect them,” he said.

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Nairobi police commander Adamson Bungei said they do not know what the group wants and that they fear they will disrupt businesses.

“We are aware and are planning how to handle the situation,” he said.

Aware that police will be deployed to disperse the gathering, the organizers of the protest have advised those who will answer their call and show up to come prepared for the worst.

“Carry placard, handkerchief and bottle of water,” the poster reads.

Protesters often arm themselves with bottles of water and handkerchiefs in anticipation should teargas be lobbed at them.

The organizers of the peaceful protest say people should start gathering from 12 pm.

“We shall gather to keep vigil as members of Parliament vote at 2.30 pm.

The National Assembly’s Finance Committee retreated on Wednesday to write a report on the Bill ahead of its expected tabling in Parliament on Tuesday. 

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