July 3, 2024

Police raid homes of former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga in Nairobi & Nyandarua

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Police raid homes of former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga in Nairobi & Nyandarua

Police raid homes of former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga in Nairobi & Nyandarua ahead of Mukami burial

Police raid homes of former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga in Nairobi & Nyandarua ahead of Mukami burial.

Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga has claimed that contingents of police raided his homes in Nyandarua and Nairobi on Friday morning for unclear reasons. 

Speaking to the media, Njenga said that the police teams arrived at his Nyandarua, Karen and Lavington homes simultaneously at 4 am and told his workers they were looking for him. 

He said officers knocked on the homes and were let in before they picked up a number of workers who were at his Lavington home.

“They said they were looking for me. I do not know why but I see it as politics and harassment, which should stop,” he said.

Njega linked the raids to the burial of Dedan Kimathi’s widow Mukami Kimathi on Saturday May 13 which is set to be graced by President William Ruto and Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga.

He claimed that the police raid is part of efforts by the government to stop him from attending the funeral.

“I was at the home of Kimathi on Thursday and told the family we will come with baba and I think this is the reason they are doing this. It is a funeral and let it be,” he added.

Njenga who has gone into hiding asked the police to stop harassing him and they release his workers.

“What have they done? What have I done? They can send summons to me if they want me but not raid homes and harass innocent people,” he said. 

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He said the era of using police to harass those with opposite political views ended and urged President William Ruto to rein on those behind the development.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua last week announced that President Ruto would grace the burial of the late Mukami in Nyandarua. 

“The President has directed that the government take over the burial preparations of Mukami to give her a decent send-off. Ruto himself has promised he will lead the nation on that day as we bury our freedom fighter,” Gachagua remarked.

Raila also announced that he would not miss to attend Mukami’s funeral saying they were close.

“I cannot miss the funeral of Shujaa Mama Mukami wa Kimathi. We have been very close and I will be in Njabini for her final ceremony on earth,” said Raila.

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