July 5, 2024

Raila announces the return of mass demonstrations every Monday 

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Raila announces the return of mass demonstrations every Monday

Raila announces that the Azimio coalition will be holding mass demonstrations across the country every Monday of the week

Raila announces that the Azimio coalition will be holding mass demonstrations across the country every Monday of the week.

Speaking to the media on Monday, March 20, in Eastleigh, Raila maintained that he will not be held back even as President William Ruto resorts to the use of force.

Raila made the declaration after his convoy was teargassed while leaving Serena Hotel for a planned conference with his supporters.

“We stated that today was a public holiday to allow us to protest. We have started a war. Every Monday, we will be protesting, are we in agreement?”

“A war has started and it will not end until Kenyans get what they rightfully deserve,” Raila declared.

Other leaders present included Martha Karua, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, and Raila’s daughter Winnie Odinga. 

At Serena Hotel, the opposition leader’s motorcade was sprayed with water from the GSU water canon. 

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Additionally, the Police officers lobbed teargas at the protestors and Raila Oding’as convoy forcing them to exit the State House road and head towards Kamukunji where he urged his supporters to carry on with the protests.

The former Prime Minister said Kenyans have shown that they are tired.

He added that even if they have brought the police to disrupt their gathering, their spirit will not die.

“Wakenya wameonyesha punda imechoka. Ingawaje wameleta askari, lakini the Kenyan spirit is stronger than askaris and teargas.”

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