July 2, 2024

Raila casts doubt on future of bipartisan talks

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Raila casts doubt on future of bipartisan talks

Raila casts doubt on future of bipartisan team as Azimio requesting suspension of the talks with Kenya Kwanza

Raila casts doubt on future of bipartisan team as Azimio requesting suspension of the talks with Kenya Kwanza.

Azimio Coalition, on the night of Tuesday, May 30, made frantic efforts to save the joint parliamentary bipartisan team from dissolution.

In a letter signed by the bi-partisan team co-chairperson Otiende Amollo, Azimio raised concerns about the committee’s future.’

Otiende Amollo wrote to the committee requesting suspension of the ongoing talks.

However, despite Azimio issuing Kenya Kwanza an ultimatum on addressing its demand, Otiende noted that the coalition was withholding issuance of notice of dissolution of the bipartisan talks.

“We withhold issuance of Notice of Dissolution under clause 38 of the Framework Agreement as you respond to the foregoing,” the Rarieda Member of Parliament stated.

Otiende also deviated from the threats Azimio is accustomed to, as witnessed during the Azimio Parliamentary Group meeting, requesting Kenya Kwanza to heed their requests. 

The letter, addressed to George Murugara, co-chairperson of the bipartisan committee, indicated that Kenya Kwanza side look at Azimio’s demands on the cost of living, finance bill and interference by the State on Jubilee Party affairs.

“Kindly find herein enclosed two letters to the Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), and the Chairperson of the IEBC Selection Panel, respectively, for your signature.

“Kindly also find enclosed the Resolutions of The Azimio Parliamentary Group Meeting held on Tuesday, May 30,” the letter read in part.

However, Azimio maintained its earlier ultimatum that Kenya Kwanza had hours to respond to the issues raised.

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“As you will notice, the aforesaid resolutions require further concessions on certain important and urgent matters before midnight of Tuesday, May 30, and we urge you to consider the same,” Otiende beseeched Murugara.

The letter comes after National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi announced that the coalition had set a deadline for Kenya Kwanza until midnight on Tuesday to address their concerns, or else the talks would be suspended.

Wandayi emphasized that Kenya Kwanza had made no progress in addressing the issues raised, including complete overhaul of the proposed Finance Bill 2023, the opening of the election servers, and the high cost of living.

In addition, Azimio also called on Kenya Kwanza to address the issue of the high cost of living.

“Kenya Kwanza has until midnight Tuesday, otherwise, the talks will remain suspended,” he said.

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