June 26, 2024

Raila lawyer responds over alleged impeachment motion against DP Gachagua

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Raila lawyer responds over alleged impeachment motion against DP Gachagua

Raila Odinga lawyer, Paul Mwangi says Azimio won't support Kenya Kwanza impeachment motion against DP Rigathi Gachagua

Raila Odinga lawyer, Paul Mwangi says Azimio won’t support Kenya Kwanza impeachment motion against DP Rigathi Gachagua

Responding to reports that a section of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance leaders were planning to impeach Gachagua, Mwangi affirmed that the opposition would not support such a move.

Paul Mwangi said that President William Ruto’s allies should not count on Azimio la Umoja’s support to oust the deputy president.

He insisted that the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party will fight to ensure Gachagua enjoys his security of tenure as enshrined in the constitution.

“Anyone counting on using the opposition numbers in Parliament to impeach Riggy G should re-plan. We used to hate Riggy G because he was inside UDA hitting on us. He is still inside UDA, but now he is on them. The opposition shall ensure Riggy G has the security of tenure,” he said.

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The sentiments by Raila lawyer come after Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria shared a cryptic message amid deepening Kenya Kwanza Alliance government divisions.

On Saturday, June 15, the outspoken CS indirectly targeted the deputy president, who seems to have fallen out with key leaders in the Kenyan Kwanza Alliance.

In his cryptic message, Kuria, who never hides his dislike of the DP, hinted at an impeachment motion being initiated against Gachagua.

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