July 1, 2024

Raila moves to save Uhuru from the embarrassment of losing the Jubilee party

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Raila moves to save Uhuru from the embarrassment of losing the Jubilee party

Uhuru ouster from the Jubilee party now an agenda in Ruto-Raila bipartisan talks with the Azimio leader ready to save Mr. Kenyatta

Uhuru ouster from the Jubilee party now an agenda in Ruto-Raila bipartisan talks with the Azimio leader ready to save Mr. Kenyatta.

The bipartisan government-opposition discussions are now subject to terms that include an end to the takeover by President William Ruto’s loyalists in order to stop the removal of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta from the Jubilee Party.

According to a report on Sunday Nation, Raila Odinga has called for a crisis meeting on Tuesday to discuss some of the items they want the 14-member committee to prioritize, including a demand that President Ruto’s camp “stops sponsoring the coup” in Mr. Kenyatta’s party.

The fresh demand is part of a concerted bid by the opposition coalition to save Mr. Kenyatta from the embarrassment of losing his party to nominated MP Sabina Chege and East Africa Legislative Assembly (Eala) MP Kanini Kega, who have been installed by the rival camp as party leader and secretary-general in acting capacities, respectively. 

Uhuru Kenyatta faction led by Jeremiah Kioni insists they are the official office holders.

The new demand by Azimio on ex-President Kenyatta’s party leadership status is, therefore, likely to be seen by their Kenya Kwanza colleagues as a further escalation of the rift, even after a truce last week on the bi-partisan team membership.

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Azimio National Executive Council chairman Wycliffe Oparanya confirmed the Tuesday meeting and the coalition’s demand for an end to leadership interference at the Jubilee party.

Mr. Oparanya also confirmed that security officers attached to them have all reported back following the suspension of the protests.

“We have a meeting on Tuesday. What is happening in Jubilee is part of the issues our team in the talks will be putting on the table from next week when they start the talks,” Oparanya said.

Mr. Oparanya also revealed that the coalition plans to continue with its town hall meetings as they give a chance to the negotiations meant to resolve the stalemate stemming from the August 2022 General Election.

A member of the Kenya Kwanza team said they would allow the opposition to table all their demands since they are also preparing a raft of demands to counter some of the conditions by Mr. Odinga’s team.

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