June 26, 2024

Raila proposes constitutional amendments to scrap some presidential powers

2 min read
Raila proposes constitutional amendments to scrap some presidential powers

Azimio leader Raila Odinga wants constitutional amendments to scrap presidential powers on appointment of state officials

Azimio leader Raila Odinga wants constitutional amendments to scrap presidential powers on appointment of state officials.

Speaking on Saturday, May 18 in Suna East, Migori County, Raila alleged that some of the state officials under the executive arm of the government were misusing their roles.

Raila in particular, expressed his disapproval of the establishment of the positions of County Commissioners and Sub-County Commissioners.

The former prime minister accused a commissioner based in Migori of orchestrating a wrangle against Migori County Governor Ochilo Ayacko during a past burial ceremony.

According to Raila, a county commissioner allegedly mobilized a team of police officers to attack the governor who was attending a burial within Migori.

The Azimio leader claimed there was no constitutional provision for the post of provincial administration with Odinga further alleging the position was replaced by the office of the governor by the new constitution.

“That is why the position of county commissioner should not be misused. We can go and change the constitution again and revoke some of the presidential powers that allow him to make certain state appointments,” Raila dared.

“The new constitution that we implemented does not provide for the position of a provincial administration but the post of a governor is a constitutional office,” the ODM party leader added.

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Raila further accused the county commissioners of misusing their powers, claiming that through the misuse of their powers, the government officials were thus undermining devolution.

“The governor was elected by Kenyans and should be granted respect. If people attend a burial, the governor should be granted respect because respect is two-way,” Odinga claimed.

Raila Odinga also urged politicians to stop premature campaigns noting that it was time for the elected leaders to work for the electorate.

“I am still with you but I have been absent because I have been going round Africa trying to talk to presidents. You saw I was with President Museveni yesterday,” Raila stated.

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