July 5, 2024

Raila reveals his role in government as he defends Uhuru on skyrocketing public debt 

3 min read

Raila reveals his role in Uhuru’s government as he dismisses claims that he is part of the Jubilee government.

Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga has dismissed claims that he is part of the Uhuru Kenyatta’s government.

Speaking at a conference with the media on Tuesday, 28, June in Karen, Raila said his role was only advisory to the government.

Responding to accusations leveled toward him over the rising cost of living, the former prime minister noted that his role was just to offer to advise on a need basis and government can act on it or not.

In addition, Raila exonerated himself from blame saying he has no official role in government.

“Kenyans are not stupid. Kenyans know I am not in government. I don’t earn a salary, I don’t live in a government house. I don’t get any allowance from the government. But I advise. But the advice is just advice; the receiver can use it or not,” he said.

He took a swipe at Deputy President William Ruto for abdicating his duties and blaming others yet he benefits from the government he attacks daily.

“It is unfair to do a blanket condemnation. Someone who is earning a salary has more than 250 security officers from the government and is using government vehicles for the campaign is coming out to say ask Kitendawili who is in government. He claims he was ejected from the government. Lakini kama ulitolewa, basi jiuzulu.”

Raila defends Uhuru on public debt 

During the media conference, Raila Odinga also defended President Uhuru Kenyatta on Kenya’s skyrocketing public debt. 

Raila insisted that there is nothing wrong with borrowing to invest so long as the loan can be accounted for. 

“There is nothing wrong in a country incurring debts. If you borrow for consumption and not to invest, then your ability to repay becomes impaired but borrowing to invest enhances your ability to repay the debts,” said Raila. 

“There is a need to look at what the debt has financed. We know that most of it did not go to do real development projects. Arror and Kimwarer dams are white elephant projects initiated during President Kenyatta’s first term when these debts were incurred,” he added. 

Raila also called out Deputy President William Ruto for complaining about the government’s excessive borrowing, saying he is also responsible for the huge debt. 

He said the Jubilee government borrowed more during its first term before Uhuru and Ruto broke ranks. 

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