June 29, 2024

Raila tells off Ruto’s administration over plans to push the West to impose sanctions against him

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Raila tells off Ruto's administration over plans to push the West to impose sanctions against him

Raila dismisses reports of President William Ruto's administration pushing the West to impose sanctions on him

Raila dismisses reports of President William Ruto’s administration pushing the West to impose sanctions on him. 

Speaking at a rally in Kitale, Trans Nzoia County on Sunday, February 26, Azimio Leader Raila Odinga noted that he was not bothered with such reports as his call for mass action and rallies were provided for in the Constitution of Kenya. 

Raila added that it was Kenyans’ responsibility to solve their own problems and not seek assistance from international countries. 

“I have heard them saying that Raila should not be allowed to travel in other countries for claims that I will bring chaos. I have no intentions.

“We don’t have any issues with other countries. We are friends with neighbouring and international countries from the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Russia, and African countries. 

“If we have problems, it is our responsibility as Kenyans to transform and solve them. We would not outside interference from international countries,” he noted. 

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The former prime minister referenced Article 37 of the Constitution which indicates that every person has the right, peaceably and unarmed, to assemble, demonstrate, picket, and present petitions to public authorities.

“If we have dirty linen as a country, it is our mandate to clean it. If there were electoral injustices, it is our role to rectify them. This is through the Constitution of Kenya. I would like each of you to read Article 37 which grants Kenyans the right to demonstrate. This is allowed according to the law. 

“So all foreign entities ought to respect Kenyans. Let them respect the rights of every Kenyan. We don’t want them to interfere with our internal affair,” he affirmed. 

Raila’s response comes amid reports Ruto’s administration sought Raila to be banned from traveling to friendly Western nations including USA and UK should he proceed with his anti-government protests.

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