July 4, 2024

Raila to IEBC; “Manual register is a must, no negotiation”

2 min read

Raila Odinga has told of IEBC (Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission) over manual voter register.

The tussle on the use of the manual voter register in the August polls is continuing to cause much debate among politicians.

Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga has been insisting on the use of a manual register as a complementary to the biometric system

The electoral commission had announced it does not plan to use the manual register saying the register would create an avenue for electoral malpractices. 

However, Raila Odinga has again reaffirmed his stance on the printed register saying it’s a must for IEBC to provide it to all polling stations on the voting day.

Speaking on Wednesday, 6, July during a campaign tour in Gatundu, Raila said they won’t compromise on their demand for the commission to provide manual voters’ registers as a complementary method of voter identification should the electronic kits fail on polling day.

“Manual register is a must at each and every polling station. It’s not negotiable,” Raila said. 

“We are telling the IEBC they must they must have a manual register along with biometric identification of the voters on that polling day. Kabla hiyo, hakuna uchaguzi,” Raila reiterated. 

IEBC has stuck to use of the electronic voter register as the sole document for identifying voters.

The commission, however, said it would only resort to the manual register as a last resort in case of a technology breakdown.

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