July 6, 2024

Raila urges Nyanza leaders to attend Ruto functions

2 min read
Raila urges Nyanza leaders to attend Ruto functions

Raila extends an olive branch to William Ruto as he urges Nyanza leaders to attend President's functions

Raila extends an olive branch to William Ruto as he urges Nyanza leaders to attend President’s functions.

President Ruto is starting a two-day trip to the two counties that is formally billed as a development tour but has strong political overtones as some of Mr. Odinga’s allies skipped his events during his previous tour of Homa Bay.

Ruto is anticipated in Homa Bay today and will travel to Raila Odinga’s county of Siaya tomorrow.

Mr. Odinga in a meeting in Nairobi advised the leaders from the two counties to welcome the Head of State during his visit for the sake of development.

Raila’s latest move comes he refused to accept President Ruto defeated him in the elections, insisting the vote was rigged and accusing the electoral commission of bungling the polls.

The hardline position has seen his close allies, especially from the Nyanza region, keep the President and his ruling coalition’s allies at arm’s length.

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Rangwe MP Lilian Gogo, who was at the Wednesday meeting, told the Nation: “It was agreed that we travel and welcome the President.” 

ODM deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya said that although he did not attend the meeting, he was privy to the deliberations to welcome the President.

“The party leader met leaders from the counties which the President will be visiting today and tomorrow and gave them express permission to host him on his development tour of the area,” Mr. Oparanya said.

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