July 3, 2024

Raila will forever carry the burden of supporting Uhuru Kenyatta, Elachi

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Raila will forever carry the burden of supporting Uhuru Kenyatta, Elachi

Elachi says the whole world knows Raila Odinga was in government and will therefore carry the burden of supporting Former President Uhuru Kenyatta

Elachi says the whole world knows Raila Odinga was in government and will therefore carry the burden of supporting Former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

According to Dagoretti North MP Beatrice Elachi, Raila Odinga will always be responsible for backing former President Uhuru Kenyatta throughout his final term.

Elachi was responding to Meg Whitman, the US ambassador that the country’s elections in August 2022 were the most credible.

Elachi said such remarks come out because they know Raila “was in government”.

The Azimio lawmaker said the former Prime Minister had the backing of the State and the election was his to lose.

“Baba (Raila Odinga) will forever carry the burden of supporting former President Uhuru Kenyatta when he was finishing his term. Everything was on the table. Even if we say we were rigged or not, the whole world knows we were in government,” Elachi said.

She insisted that Azimio should now focus on the next election.

“Already the government is focused on how they are headed for 2027.”

Whitman speaking at the Devolution Conference in Eldoret on Wednesday said last year’s election has been termed by many commentators and analysts as the “freest, fairest, and most credible election in Kenyan history”.

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However, Speaking at the Devolution Conference in Eldoret on Thursday, Raila told off Whitman over the election remark.

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“I want to tell the rogue ambassador, leave Kenyans alone. If maandamano can lead to dialogue between Ichung’wah and Kalonzo, everything is good with maandamano,” Odinga stated.

He went on to state that if Whitman continues to comment on Kenyan issues, then opposition political faction may be forced to petition the US government to recall her.

“Tell the rogue Ambassador Kenya is not the United States and it is not a colony of the United States; keep your mouth shut while here, otherwise, we will call for your recall back to your country,” the Azimio chief said.

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