July 8, 2024

Raila’s message ahead of filing the Supreme Court case tomorrow “Kenyans’ voice won’t be muzzled” 

2 min read

Raila’s message ahead of filing the Supreme Court case tomorrow challenging the presidential results announced by IEBC. 

Raila Odinga, the presidential candidate for the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition, has said that the coalition will contest William Ruto’s election as president tomorrow.

Speaking at a Church service at Jesus Teaching Ministry (JTM), Donholm in Nairobi on Sunday, Raila said they cannot let Kenyans’ voices be muzzled. 

The Azimio leader was accompanied by his running mate Martha Karua and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and a host of other leaders.

Raila’s message ahead of Supreme Court case

“There is no doubt in our mind that the Kenyan people spoke loudly on the 9th of August.

“Their voice won’t be muzzled and their victory won’t be taken away,” Raila said. 

His running mate in the August elections Martha Karua exuded confidence that their camp will finally get justice from the Supreme Court. 

“We shall know the truth and it shall set all of us free for without justice there cannot be lasting peace,” Karua said. 

She went on: “Justice is the foundation of lasting peace.”

Wiper leader Kalonzo also delved into the matter saying that the August 9 election was not yet completed due to the impending elections in Mombasa, Kakamega, and other four parliamentary units.  

He added that they were confident of emerging victorious at the Supreme Court. 

“We leave this place ready to pursue them and the mandate to pursue them has been ably presented,” he said. 

“To Kenyans please stand still and see the salvation of God.”

“As far as I’m concerned, the Lawyer in me tells me this General Election is not over.”

“What’s happening in Mombasa, Kakamega and other constituencies is a clear case where Kenyans have been short-changed.” 

Kalonzo also castigated those who were claiming that he was heading to Ruto’s coalition, Kenya Kwanza.

‘Those saying that I’m joining Kenya Kwanza are wishful thinkers”

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