July 1, 2024

Revealed how Ruto tricked Azimio with Peninah Malonza tribulations to approve cabinet secretaries

2 min read

Ruto tricked Azimio with Peninah Malonza’s tribulations to approve cabinet secretaries with integrity concerns.

The Kenya Kwanza Alliance, led by President William Ruto, used an adverse recommendation against Peninah Malonza, a nominee for the tourism cabinet, as a decoy to divert attention away from the CS nominees that the opposition wanted to be barred due to integrity issues.

A minority report written by Azimio lawmakers that sought the rejection of Aisha Jumwa (Public Service and Gender) and Mithika Linturi was obscured by the subsequent controversy against the attempt to deny Peninah Malonza a Cabinet position (Agriculture).

The Azimio fell into a trap, and as a result, their own MPs ended up voting in favor of Ms. Malonza, the lone candidate whose nomination the Committee on Appointments had unanimously rejected.

The Kenya Kwanza majority was able to prevent the House from voting on the Azimio minority report that had ousted Aisha Jumwa and Mithika Linturi.

The Kenya Kwanza majority was able to prevent the House from voting on the Azimio minority report that had ousted Aisha Jumwa and Mithika Linturi.

According to insiders, the plan called for the Kenya Kwanza team to covertly solicit the Wiper party, which is primarily from Ms. Malonza’s native Ukambani, for backing.

In ganging up against the rejection of Ms. Malonza in the main report, MPs quickly shifted the attention from the approval of nominees to the Tourism CS nominee, dropping the injurious minority report altogether.

According to a report by the Daily Nation, Sources in the Wiper party revealed that Azimio members in the appointment committee were “played” but they did not realize it.

“It was a political mind game but our people in the committee failed to see it,” said a Wiper MP who sought anonymity.

A senior member of Azimio who sat in the vetting committee said rejecting Peninah Malonza was more of an internal wrangle involving MPs from the Ukambani region than a decision of Azimio as a coalition.

“Those are Kamba politics, they were fighting on their own,” the MP said.

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