July 3, 2024

Ruto ally clash with CS Kuria over Gov Kawira Mwangaza impeachment

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Ruto ally clash with CS Kuria over Gov Kawira Mwangaza impeachment

Senator Aaron Cheruiyot slams CS Moses Kuria following his attacks on senators allied to Ruto over Governor Kawira Mwangaza impeachment

Senator Aaron Cheruiyot slams CS Moses Kuria following his attacks on senators allied to Ruto over Governor Kawira Mwangaza impeachment.

Senator Aaron Cheruiyot of Kericho has criticized Cabinet Secretary for Public Service Moses Kuria for disparaging 13 senators from Kenya Kwanza over the impeachment of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

In response to a cryptic tweet from the CS, which had called out several senators, including the lawmaker from Kericho, Cheruiyot told off Kuria over the Senate mandate.

“Are you really sure you want a fight with parliament and parliamentarians right now ?” Cheruiyot commented.

Kuria called out the 13 senators over the pending impeachment motion tabled before the senate against the Meru governor. 

Among the senators called out by CS Kuria include Aaron Cheruiyot (Kericho), Jackson Mandago (Uasin Gishu), Sigei (Bomet) Sen. Mundigi (Embu), Samson Cherargei (Nandi), Seki (Kajiado)and Fatuma Dullo (Isiolo).

The others include Abdul Haji (Garissa), Kamau Murango (Kirinyaga), Wahome Wamatinga (Nyeri), Kathuri Murungi (Meru), Wambua (Kitui) and Kajwan’g of Homabay county.

“Stop it. You can see from evidence you are being misled,” Kuria noted.

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Kuria had said issues presented against Governor Mwangaza did not warrant her impeachment.

“I have studied carefully the issues presented against Governor Kawira. The most serious offense is that she does what Kukuyus calls Kuangalia Watu Manyiira. That offense can take you to hell but not to jail. Certainly not a ground for Impeachment,” Kuria said.

The clash between Kuria and Cheruiyot comes hours after Senate Speaker Amason Kingi warned CS Kuria over his comments on the proceedings in the senate on the impeachment of Mwangaza.

“I, therefore, caution Moses Kuria, Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service, performance and delivery management, and all other persons to desist from adversely making utterances whether written or spoken in relation to the conduct of the impeachment process which may prejudice the just and fair disposal of the present matter,” Kingi noted.

“If this caution is not heeded, we will summon the CS Moses Kuria.”

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