July 3, 2024

Ruto asks African Presidents to emulate Kenya’s Power Production

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Ruto asks African Presidents to emulate Kenya's Power Production

Ruto asks African Presidents to emulate Kenya's clean power generation, which he claimed had placed the country as a global leader

Ruto asks African Presidents to emulate Kenya’s clean power generation, which he claimed had placed the country as a global leader.

In his remarks on Saturday, February 18, to the African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Ruto stated that Kenya has reached a clean electricity generation rate of 92%.

In addition to the accomplishment, Ruto maintained that he was eager to achieve a 100% clean grid by 2030.

Geothermal, solar, and wind energy are some of the clean energy sources used in Kenya.

“It is our intention to proceed beyond greening our grid, to export green energy directly, and also indirectly through green manufacturing,” Ruto stated.

Nonetheless, Ruto urged the leaders of other African nations to mobilize and entice sufficient capital to match Kenya’s commitment in the clean energy sector.

“I am aware that several other African countries have embarked on a similar developmental trajectory, which has made them attractive to private sector investment in clean transport, sustainable agriculture, green building and urbanization, and other enterprises,” Ruto stated.

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“To achieve our priority agenda of eliminating energy poverty and powering a green, renewable-based economy as set out in Agenda 2063, it is imperative to mobilize and attract adequate financing and investment,” he added.

He added that investing in renewable energy was essential for boosting connectivity while addressing presidents and other dignitaries from Africa in Ethiopia.

 Ruto raised concerns by revealing that over 970 million lived without clean cooking fuels and technologies.

Ruto urged African leaders to utilize natural resources, such as those utilized to produce clean energy, in order to solve the issue.

Kenya became a global pioneer in clean energy by establishing legislation, offering incentives, and utilizing clean energy resources already in place, such as geothermal, solar, and wind energy.

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