July 2, 2024

Ruto leaves nothing to chance as congregants are subjected to mandatory frisking

3 min read
Ruto leaves nothing to chance as congregants are subjected to mandatory frisking

Police frisk all the congregants at church function President Ruto is attending

Police frisk all the congregants at church function President Ruto is attending

The ACK Diocese of Nyahururu, Laikipia County was under tight security as President William Ruto joined the faithful for the Sunday service. 

A contingent of police officers was deployed around the church before the president’s arrival.

The move has widely been interpreted as the government’s reaction to some Kenyans’ threats to occupy churches in continued protest against the Finance Bill 2024. 

On Saturday, June 22, the citizenry, aggrieved by the bill’s draconian taxation provisions, vowed to invade churches to register their anger with religious leaders for being quiet on such a critical matter.

Congregants making their entry to the venue in Nyahururu, including members of the clergy were subjected to thorough security searches before being allowed in.

The president, his deputy Rigathi Gachagua, and other ranking state officials attended the service.

Ruto has been under sharp criticism by many Kenyans who accuse him of mismanaging the country and formulating policies that are exploitative to the citizenry. 

In the meantime, the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) instructed the places of worship to include the concerns about the Finance Bill 2024 in churches.

The council argued that with the churches having presented memoranda to the Finance and Planning Committee over the bill, it was prudent that they took the message of peace and justice to the pulpits.

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“NCCK welcomes you to use these sermon guides to share messages that promote peace, justice and dignified livelihoods, and resilient communities. Make your voice heard on the Finance Bill 2024,” it told the churches.

The NCCK provided relevant verses from the Bible that the preachers could reference while addressing the bill’s contentious issues.

Among them are Isaiah 35: 3-4 and Proverbs 24: 27.

In its communique, NCCK noted that the main purpose of the government and social structures is to provide hope and opportunities for the people to build their lives and be productive.

The bill has attracted uproar from Kenyans, with a huge section resorting to hit the streets to protest it.

On Thursday, June 20, a total of 204 lawmakers voted to pass the bill to the next stage, against 115 who opposed it.

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