June 29, 2024

Ruto orders an increase of minimum wage during Labour Day celebrations

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Ruto orders an increase of minimum wage during Labour Day celebrations

President William Ruto during Labour Day address directs Labour CS Bore to begin talks for a 6% minimum wage increase

President William Ruto during Labour Day address directs Labour CS Bore to begin talks for a 6% minimum wage increase.

In his address during the 59th International Labour Day celebrations at Uhuru Gardens in Nairobi, President Ruto directed Labour Cabinet Secretary Florence Bore to spearhead the process of raising the minimum wage by at least six per cent.

Ruto categorically asked Bore to ensure that the committee arrived at a decision that will see the minimum wage increased by a minimum of 6 percent.

“I direct our labour CS to convene the committee concerned and have a meeting so that we increase the minimum wage by a minimum of 6 percent and you should tell me how the maths will be done.”

“We shall then discuss how the matter will progress forward,” Ruto stated.

The council consists of representatives from the Central Organisation of Trade Unions-Kenya (COTU) headed by Francis Atwoli, the Federation of Kenya Employers and the government among others.

The country’s bottom-of-the-food chain workers last saw their payslips upgraded in 2022 when President Uhuru Kenyatta increased the minimum wage by 12 percent.

In 2022, the minimum wage rose from 13,500 Kenyan shillings to Ksh15,120 shillings which stayed constant ever since.

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After the deliberations, the lowest-earning Kenyan worker will be expected to pocket a Ksh16,027 monthly salary.

During the celebrations, President William Ruto insisted that the government will not revise upward salaries demanded by intern doctors insisting that the Ksh70,000 remains on offer.

He argued that the government had met 17 of their 19 demands maintaining that the state is unable to meet all their demands.

“We have tabled what the government is ready to do, 17 out of the 19 demands, the rest is not possible because of financial constraints,” Ruto stated.

Ruto further insisted that his government had worked to provide jobs for Kenyans including 140,000 employees who serve in the affordable housing sector.

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