July 5, 2024

Ruto using Uhuru to divert attention after withdrawing security from Kibaki’s residence; Kioni

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Ruto using Uhuru to divert attention after withdrawing security from Kibaki's residence; Kioni

Kioni accuses Ruto of using Uhuru to divert attention after withdrawing security guards from Kibaki's residence

Kioni accuses Ruto of using Uhuru to divert attention after withdrawing security guards from Kibaki’s residence.

The Kenya Kwanza administration has come under fire from the secretary general of the Jubilee Party, Jeremiah Kioni, and numerous other grassroots party leaders for reducing the security detail for the previous president, Uhuru Kenyatta, and members of the first family.

Speaking at the newly opened Jubilee Party Headquarters in Kileleshwa, Kioni argued that it was an overreach to scale down Uhuru’s security.

Additionally, he stated that the government allegedly withdrew a section of security guards assigned to man former President Kibaki’s residence.

“We saw the illegitimate government take way the security or downgrade the security of the former Head of State. And by extension to even families of former presidents.

I want you to find out what is happening to even former President Kibaki’s detail. We are aware that they started tinkering with it a while ago. This is clearly an overreach. There is a limit beyond which people can bear and I think they are getting beyond that limit,” he said. 

Kioni further accused the President William Ruto regime of using former President Uhuru Kenyatta as part of their diversionary tactics.

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He insisted that Ruto’s government ascended to power illegitimately and has failed to manage the affairs of the country.

“They came into office illegitimately and they have clearly failed in managing the affairs of this country. They have raised taxes everywhere. Kenyans of all walks of life are overburdened by the increase in taxation. They don’t want to address the issue of taxes that they are overburdening Kenyans with. They want to divert our attention to the former Head of State,” the Jubilee Party Secretary General added.

The Jubilee secretary general questioned whether the Ruto government has anything to show for the taxes they are collecting. 

The former MP claims that the regime is not undertaking any big project that would justify the increase in taxation.

The Jubilee leaders also averred that they will stay put in the Azimio coalition and will be part and parcel of all the rallies organized by ODM Leader Raila Odinga.

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