July 3, 2024

Safaricom fires employees over M-Pesa fraud

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Safaricom fires employees over M-Pesa fraud

33 Safaricom employees fired over policy breach, corruption, and fraud M-Pesa fraud in the financial year ended in March 2023

33 Safaricom employees fired over policy breach, corruption, and fraud M-Pesa fraud in the financial year ended in March 2023.

Telecommunications company Safaricom has dismissed up to 33 employees over breach of policy and M-Pesa-related fraud cases.

In its latest sustainability report, the telco has disclosed the staff were let go due to corruption and fraud allegations.

The report, which covers the company’s fiscal year –April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023 – said 17 of the 33 cases were linked to breach of policy and procedure.

14 of the cases were related to SIM swaps, while two were linked to asset misappropriation.

The report said the 33 cases were an increase from 28 cases investigated in the previous year.

Remarkably, the telco registered no incidences of data privacy. This is a sharp contrast from 2 years ago when the company investigated 22 cases related to data privacy.

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This comes after the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Safaricom announced they will be working closely in investigating M-Pesa fraud cases.

Safaricom announced that it had introduced a new SIM-Swap-Check Anti-fraud solution that would restrict withdrawals from suspicious transactions.

This was in an effort to curb mobile money fraud.

The solution Safaricom said would be undertaken jointly with six banks to reduce rising cases of mobile money fraud that have seen customers lose millions.

The SIM-Swap-Check Anti-fraud solution was developed following an analysis of fraud reports to tackle the social engineering of customers to conduct fraudulent SIM swaps.

Safaricom stated one of its missions is to ensure the safety and security of customers and business ecosystems. One of the approaches they have taken is the training of staff.

“Training, both internally and externally, helps to promote our ethical culture. As indicated in the table in the next column, a total of 98% of our staff benefitted from ethics training, and the entire Board was trained on Anti-Money Laundering /Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT),” says Safaricom in the latest report.

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