July 5, 2024

Senior police boss found dead in her house 

2 min read
Senior police boss found dead in her house

A female police boss found dead by a fellow officer who was requesting to be relieved from duty

A female police boss found dead by a fellow officer who was requesting to be relieved from duty.

A police officer serving at Kiambu County’s Kinoo Police Station was found dead in her home on Tuesday by a fellow officer who was requesting to be relieved from duty.

According to a police report number 3/15/10/2023, the incident began in the morning hours when Police Constable Leah Wangui went to Corporal Paul Cheboi’s house, who is her neighbour, and asked him to prepare porridge and fruits, which they both took

Constable Wangui told Cheboi that she wasn’t feeling well at the moment, but she thanked him for the breakfast. 

Wangui, who appeared drunk, went back to bed to rest.

Later in the evening, Corporal Cheboi went to see how Wangui was doing and to ask her to relieve him from the duties of the day.

However, he found her lying on the ground, holding a banana and a half-orange fruit in her right hand.

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The junior officer alerted Sub-County Police Commander and Officer Commanding Station (OCS) Kinoo Geoffrey Gituba who visited the scene.

Officer Wangui, who was released from the Chiromo rehabilitation center in May, was still in the process of recovering from alcoholism, according to preliminary investigations.

At her house, the detectives recovered assorted bottles of 750 ml spirit and one half taken 750 ml spirit bottle which were taken as exhibits.

Wangui’s body, which had no visible injuries, was taken to Kenyatta University mortuary awaiting post-mortem.

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