July 3, 2024

Shock as 13-year-old girl hacks mother to death in fight over mobile phone

2 min read
Shock as 13-year-old girl hacks mother to death in fight over mobile phone

A 13-year-old girl hacks mother to death with a panga in a fight over a mobile phone at Kapweria area, Emurua Dikirr constituency in Narok county

A 13-year-old girl hacks mother to death with a panga in a fight over a mobile phone at Kapweria area, Emurua Dikirr constituency in Narok county.

According to Transmara East sub-county police boss Boniface Kavoo, the girl picked up a panga and attacked her 55-year-old mother inflicting deep cuts to her head.

The victim succumbed to injuries after excessive bleeding.

Police said neighbours who heard the cries from the suspect’s homestead found the victim writhing in pain and pleading for help.

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“It’s a scenario where her mother wanted to repossess the phone her daughter was using to chat with. It seems the deceased was a strict mother, and she wasn’t happy about her girl doing a lot of communication without her knowledge. 

The suspect used all the means to fight her mother back, which ended in a fatality,” added the officer.

The teen suspect is said to have thrown the murder weapon into a pit latrine to conceal the evidence but later admitted to having killed her mother for not giving her some freedom.

The body of the deceased has been moved to Kapkatet Hospital mortuary while the suspect is being held at Emurua Dikiir police station.

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