July 3, 2024

Shock as parents abandon their children over the high cost of living

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Shock as parents abandon their children over the high cost of living

Parents abandon their homes leaving their children behind over poverty and the high cost of living in Nyamira County

Parents abandon their homes leaving their children behind over poverty and the high cost of living in Nyamira County.

Due to poverty and the high cost of living, parents from two households in Nyamira County fled their houses, leaving young children to fend for themselves.

One of the kids, a 14-year-old student in class 8, described how one day her mother departed and left her with her younger brother.

She said that her mother had abandoned them and never returned after her father had passed away some years before.

The class eight student had to work odd jobs to support herself and her grade five brother.

“After our father died, my mother brought us here. She stayed for two months and then she left. She did not tell us where she was going,” she narrated.

Her teacher, Zablon Onyoni, stated that the school had raised concerns over the matter but they were not able to help her because there were many similar cases.

“Sometimes she leaves school and when we inquire we are told that she went to look for jobs to buy food.

“Sometimes we teachers assist but not so much because we have so many other learners with the same problem,” Zablon stated.

The two had not cooked for days and depended on well-wishers who sometimes shared food with them.

“We don’t even have good uniforms, we sleep on the floor, and we don’t have any food. We are pleading with the government to help us,” the 14-year-old lamented.

A 10-year-old girl in another nearby home was forced to care for her 7-year-old sibling after their father ran away after committing a crime.

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The 10-year-old described how their mother disappeared immediately after their father left in order to avoid destitute living conditions and exorbitant living expenses.

“We are begging our mother and father wherever they are to come back,” she pleaded.

Their neighbour Adna Kwamboka stated that they would spare some food to share with the children adding that they were suffering.

Nyamira Chikdren’s officer Billy Adera explained that it had become a common occurrence for parents to abandon their children in the area.

He warned against the trend, asking the residents to report any cases of abandoned children by their parents.

“The idea that a parent can leave their children uncared for is in itself a crime,” Abera warned.

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