July 4, 2024

Sonko rushes to court to block Raila’s Monday protest rally

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Sonko rushes to court to block Raila's Monday protest rally

Sonko moves to court to stop Raila's declaration of Monday as a public holiday in a bid to block the 20th protest rally

Sonko moves to court to stop Raila’s declaration of Monday as a public holiday in a bid to block the 20th protest rally.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has filed an application in court to stop the declaration by Azimio la Umoja for Monday as a public holiday.

In a petition filed before Lady Justice Hedwig Ong’udi, Sonko argued that Raila had broken the law since he did not have such powers to declare a Public Holiday. 

In response, Justice Ong’udi noted that Sonko’s petition was of national interest and could not be dismissed prematurely. 

The judge certified the application as urgent and ordered Sonko to serve his application for an interparties hearing on Tuesday, March 21.

“I have perused the Petition, Notice of Motion, and the Certificate of Urgency all dated March 17, 2023. I have noted that the same were filed at 4:05 pm and the file placed before me at 4:30 pm,” Justice Ong’udi observed.

The Judge further noted that there was a laid down procedure for the declaration of Public Holidays in Kenya.

“I have perused the pleadings and annexures and have not found any Gazette Notice by the Cabinet Secretary in charge of Interior declaring March 20, 2023, a public holiday as per Section 3 of the Public Holidays Act,” Lady Justice Ong’udi noted. 

Ong’udi further ordered that the matter be mentioned on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, a day after Raila’s slated mass action. 

On Tuesday, March 14, Raila Odinga unlawfully declared Monday a Public Holiday for his supporters to attend the much-hyped mass action. 

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Raila asked Azimio La Umoja supporters to attend the grand anti-government march in Nairobi to compel President William Ruto to act on a raft of demands. 

Among the issues that Raila advocated for included lowering the high cost of living and electoral reforms at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). 

He has accused President William Ruto of mismanaging the economy, violating human rights, and undermining devolution.

The President, on the other hand, has dismissed Raila’s protests as a desperate attempt to cause chaos and disrupt peace in the country.

Also read,

DP Gachagua outlines the police strategy to thwart Raila’s mass action protest

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