July 2, 2024

Special criminal intelligence team formed to deal with with femicide cases

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Special criminal intelligence team formed to deal with with femicide cases

DCI forms Special criminal intelligence team formed to deal with the increasing femicide cases in the country

DCI forms Special criminal intelligence team formed to deal with the increasing femicide cases in the country.

A special team has been assembled by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to speed the investigation of major sexual offenses and women-related murder cases.

The DCI said in a statement on Tuesday, January 30, that forensic specialists and criminal intelligence analysts make up the squad, which is drawn from the Homicide Directorate.

During the team’s briefing, DCI Director Mohamed Amin pledged to use all of his resources and capabilities to help the team fulfill its mission.

“These killings have cast a dark shadow over our safety and security endeavours; we must put this menace to end with remarkable speed and finality,” Amin emphasised.

The DCI boss also instructed the team to complete the pending investigations and ensure all those culpable are brought to book.

The special team will also partner with other stakeholders to come up with swift and comprehensive preventive strategies to address femicide in the country.

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DCI further called on the public to volunteer any information that could aid in investigations or assist in apprehension of the femicide perpetrators.

“There is a nexus between femicide and sexual violence. We know the perpetrators of these heinous crimes, let us expose them. Let us all join hands to defeat this evil,” Amin added.

According to the DCI a total of 94 killings of women and girls have been reported between 2021 and 2024 and a total of 65 suspects arraigned in various courts across the country in connection with the murders.

The formation of the special teams comes days after thousands of women and activists took to the streets of the Nairobi CBD to protest the rising cases of femicide. 

Within January 2024, a handful of women died in mysterious circumstances, raising concern among Kenyans.

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