July 3, 2024

Teachers advocate for an independent body to handle disciplinary cases

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Teachers advocate for an independent body to handle disciplinary cases

Teachers want TSC powers revoked as they advocate for the formation of an independent body to handle disciplinary cases

Teachers want TSC powers revoked as they advocate for the formation of an independent body to handle disciplinary cases.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) recommended the creation of an independent body with the responsibility of handling teacher disciplinary cases.

The unions claim that during the hearing and decision-making process for their disciplinary issues, teachers have been subjected to rigorous and time-consuming procedures for a very long period.

Speaking before the Education Committee on Tuesday, February 21,  KUPPET and KNUT requested that the national assembly review and modify the Teachers Service Act to take their recommendations into account.

“We want an independent body to serve as a peace tribunal. Teachers are on their own when they are being disciplined and even dismissed,” KNUT Secretary General Collins Oyuu stated.

Additionally, the Unions accused the Salaries and Remuneration Commission(SRC) of not allowing dialogue during salary negotiations adding that many teachers raised complaints on the matter. 

“SRC brought in a circular two weeks to the beginning of talks, and that circular removed any power from the employer,” KUPPET SG Akello Misori stated. 

“At one time we were declared persona non grata, that we were not good people. And we received a lot of backlashes,” KUPPET Chairman Omboko Milemba added.

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However, the committee stated that the unions willingly signed a non-monetary 2021/2025 collective bargaining agreement that resulted in the stated challenges that teachers were facing.

“Teachers are going through so many other challenges yet they are unionized, to an extent that some even feel that it is better not to be a union member,” Phylis Jepkemoi, a member of the Education committee stated.

The unions further stated that they wanted the National Assembly to amend the Pension Act to put the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in charge of the retired teachers instead of the National Treasury.

“If the TSC has the mandate to employ and pay teachers, how then do we have a third party to take charge of these teachers after their retirement,” KNUT SG Collins Oyuu stated.

TSC earlier submitted pensions to the Ministry of Treasury and Planning for the disbursement of the money to retired teachers.

TSC made the announcement on Friday, February 3, asking all retirees to review their status for the pension scheme. 

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